NOTICE: My website is currently under construction, but great things are on the way! In the meantime, I’m focused on building and optimizing my clients’ websites—
because their success comes first.  cool


Is Your Message Getting Across?

Marketing A Lot….

…but is it paying off?

So as a small business owner, your marketing dollars are very valuable and scarce.  So, it only makes the most sense to put the dollars where the results are.  But how on earth do you know which campaigns are actually referring the most clients to your website.

If you currently have Google Analytics on your website, there is a way to customize your reporting to track specific banner/email ads that they use to help advertise your products or services.

It is really quite simple…DLO-Consulting can create these custom URLs for you, we would need to have you provide the following information:

*required information

Website URL*                                                                                                                                     

The full website URL (https;//


Campaign Source *                                                                                                                            

The referrer: (e.g. google, newsletter)


Campaign Medium                                                                                                                            

Marketing medium: (e.g. cpc, banner, email)


Campaign Name                                                                                                                                

Product, promo code, or slogan (e.g. spring_sale)


Campaign Term                                                                                                                                 

Identify the paid keyword


Campaign Content                                                                                                                             

Use to differentiate ads

For Example:  DLO-Consulting New Client Advertising

Website URL:      

Campaign Source:        Spring Newsletter

Campaign Medium:     March – Spring Ahead to new business.

Campaign Name:         New Client Marketing

The campaign url builder generates a unique URL that you’d then include in your marketing to track:

Custom campaigns

Add parameters to URLs to identify the campaigns that refer traffic.

By adding campaign parameters to the destination URLs you use in your ad campaigns, you can collect information about the overall efficacy of those campaigns, and also understand where the campaigns are more effective. For example, your Summer Sale campaign might be generating lots of revenue, but if you’re running the campaign in several different social apps, you want to know which of them is sending you the customers who generate the most revenue. Or if you’re running different versions of the campaign via email, video ads, and in-app ads, you can compare the results to see where your marketing is most effective.

When a user clicks a referral link, the parameters you add are sent to Analytics, and the related data is available in the Campaigns reports.

 This will be an invaluable tool to help determine which marketing campaigns are the most effective.   Let’s discuss further.

Or, do it yourself here using Custom URL Creator:


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