Business Referrals

Our Chapter Passed $476,652 USD in the past 12 months!

(as of: December 2024 | 2023 total of TYFCB is $456,146)

Come for our meeting – stay for the referrals!

We have open categories for individuals who will bring enthusiasm and integrity to our meeting.

Just one person per professional specialty is allowed in each chapter.


Search our members here to see if your category is open, then visit a meeting and lock out your competition!

Business Referrals

How do you know who to trust when it comes to the products or services that you require in your business and personal life? 

What if I told you, that I have met weekly with the following group of business professionals since January of 2018? 

Would you feel confident that I was keenly aware of their specific offerings?  


Each week when we meet, every single member gets to share their 60-second weekly presentation and referral request and each week. 

During our structured meeting – we rotate through members of  our group selected to be the featured speaker, that allows them 10-minutes to present about their business.  

The philosophy of BNI is Givers Gain, I give business to my fellow chapter members, in return they will give business to me. 

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